Thursday, November 18, 2010

reading blog 10

i do not think that tourists only exist in the first world and vegabonds in the third.  People like to travel to third world countries to mayb help out or to just do something different.  In north korea they are not a third world country but the people are not aloud to move outside of korea and there are barly and tourist that go to north korea.  tourist need to get passes and what not to enter the country and they have very little access. 
Tourist can be anybody from the rich to the poor. tourist are anybody that can travel to another place in the country, state, or world.  anybody can travel if they have the right money to. vegabonds are people who are traped where they are.  They cannot leave the current country they are in.  An example of this is north korea or cuba.  These countries are not third world countries and north korea is one of the major countries in the world today.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that a tourist can be rich or poor. However i think that a person does not necessarily need to have money in order to travel. Look at hitchhikers, I see them every once in a while and have to wonder "where are they traveling too?" They have very little money, and what money they do have is for survival, not travel. Even people in third world countries can walk to wherever they are free too, or they can ride an animal, or hitch a ride as well.
